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Almost Christmas

 I have been a writing fool in the last few months and have published two novels in the last three months. Brighton Rescue largely takes place in (surprise!) Brighton, when Elizabeth and company converge to rescue Lydia from her idiotic infatuation with Wickham.

Longbourn's Son launched last week, and tells the story of a Bennet family with a twin to Kitty, a son named Luke.  Naturally with the birth of an heir, the fortunes of the Bennet daughters changes profoundly.  

I write very quickly, obviously. I wonder sometimes how I manage to write so much, and have concluded it is partly a gift, and partly that I am used to trucking along on a project even during the dry spells.  I have a Ph.D. in engineering so spent minutes and hours and days and weeks toiling away on challenging projects.  Compared to writing a Ph.D. thesis, writing a Pride and Prejudice variation is a delight :-).

I continue to be amazed, startled, honored, and grateful to all the kind souls who buy my books, read my books, and review my books.

I am also in awe that I have such a great publishing team.  I could never write books like this without such wonderful support from my husband, my kids, and my editor.

Christmas comes in less than two weeks and we are gearing up for that along with no less than three kid birthdays before the end of the year.  It's a crazy time. It's a wonderful time.

Happy birthday, Jesus!